SOGGY SHIT OOZING FROM MY EMPTY EYE SOCKETS!!!!! a little carried away. :(
SOGGY SHIT OOZING FROM MY EMPTY EYE SOCKETS!!!!! a little carried away. :(
Haha! Nothing to be sorry about haha. Thanks for the epic review :D!
Loops flawlessly
May i use this for a Killing Floor map? I'll def add you in creds
Thanx for review.
If you could give me more details (PM me if...) I can make a track special for that.
Can i use this?
This is AMAZING and would be recreating a half life 2 map for a game called killing floor for a contest...may i use your music??
Sounds cool. Go ahead. :)
Oh my god this would be perfect
I'm making a map for Killing Floor (thers a contest going around) and i am having trouble with the audio...could i by any chance get an instrumental version of this if you happen to have it?
Sure, PM me an email address I can send a link to :)
Guitar hero FTW
would be perfect in guitar hero. That was all that was going through my mind while listening to this lol.
The trumpet.
The trumpet sound really annoyed me. if there wasn't a trumpet i would love this song more than i love it now. It is amazing nonetheless
My right ear is being murdered.
It only comes out the right speaker lol.
Ermm..It comes out of both for me :S Are you sure your connections are in tight? D:
Ty for good score ^^
What did you use to make this?
I really like it :D
Wow that was fast!
I'm using FL Studio (I think it was FL7..?) and the instruments are the Edirol Orchestral instruments. Those are great, sound very real IMO.
Thx for the review and great score! =D
Mainstream music can suck my dick.
all the shit on my ipod comes from this beast of a badass site ryte here. STAY METAL
Also, the song is amazing. Vocals are really brutal and clean. Love it. Everything about this song is just METAL.
Love the guitars
sounds like a saw grinding...If this was instrumental, this would be awesome for a really morbid and brutal cut scene in a game or flash such as getting revenge and slaughtering the one who caused you such pain in the most gruesome and wretched ways imaginable. BTW i cant understand shit yur saying...but its badass.
I could definitely see that!
I walked the path you chose for me, enlightened by your wisdom
Let down; I now see clear
I see it as it is;
No future.
No future.
I like to make maps with the unreal engine. (killing floor, unreal 2004) i draw, but not often...maybe once a month when i have nothing better to do. it's not really a passion for me, i want to be more into game development, 3d modeling, level design etc.
Age 32, Male
nuttin yet
I call it Hell.
Joined on 12/1/07